1. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
The Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is a widely used metric in measuring customer satisfaction. In this metric, customers are asked how satisfied they are with the product, service, or interaction.
CSAT is measured against a scale of 1 to 10, 5, or 3. Car dealerships are increasingly integrating emojis to overcome language barriers in measuring CSAT.
2. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular customer satisfaction metric. Like CSAT, NPS is also measured against a scale of 0 to 10, but the focus is on how likely the customer will be to recommend the dealer to friends and colleagues.
If the NPS score is between 9-10, then the customer is very likely to publish positive reviews.
3. Churn Rate
The Churn Rate is a good indicator of customers dissatisfied with the auto dealership. Keeping an eye on it will help you improve and retain more customers.
4. Customer Effort Score (CES)
The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a customer satisfaction metric that measures the effort that customers have invested in their interaction with your dealership.
It also reveals a lot about the customer experience at the car dealership.
5. Customer Health Score
The Customer Health Score is a combination of CSAT, CES, etc., which provides an overall summary of customer satisfaction. It is displayed using simple color codes – Green means customers are satisfied, red notifies dissatisfaction, and yellow means there is room for improvement.
You can track and request online reviews from customers who are in the ‘Green’ range with reasonable certainty.
6. Would You Miss Us? (WYMU)
The Would You Miss Us (WYMU) metric is a direct, self-explanatory question to your customers. This metric is also measured against a scale of 1-10.
WYMU helps you understand customer loyalty upfront.
7. Loyalty Measurement
The Loyalty Measurement also measures your customer’s loyalty towards your dealership. It is an overall measure of repurchase, satisfaction, and recommendation of the brand to their loved ones and friends.
For more insights into customer satisfaction metrics that help in improving your car sales, Contact Us.