Online reviews are an important validator of customer trust in dealerships. Here are some ways to increase the inflow of online reviews to your dealership.
1: Enhance Customer Experiences
No matter how good your vehicles and seasonal offers are, it is still the customer experience that you create online and at the dealership that drive impactful reviews.
Pay close attention to customer expectations.
2: Leverage Email Marketing
customers leave the showroom, the next most appropriate time to ask for
customer reviews would be a few days after. Send a ‘Thank You’ note with a
review request and link to post the review.
3: Request Reviews on Social
next step is to follow customers on social media channels, engage them in
conversations, and request reviews when the time is ripe. Social media can also
be leveraged to run retargeting campaigns.
4: Take Help from Your
your employees aware of the importance of customer reviews for your dealership.
Train them to request customer reviews when the time is opportune.
5: Appreciate Your Reviewers
are motivated when you appreciate their work. Whenever you receive an online
review, thank them. It goes a long way in increasing your online customer
6: Make Your Review Process
an easy review process. Apps like Buyerater come with a comprehensive review
process built in.