a dealership experience is good, then consumers will mention it to an average
of 9 people. On the other hand, a bad experience is shared with 16 others. This is why it is essential to always ensure the best customer experience possible.
are five areas to mentor.
1. Seamless Dealer Services
life easy for customers, and they wouldn’t go to your competitors. Ensure that dealer
services are seamless, transparent, and customer friendly.
2. Best Customer Service
excellent customer service. When customers approach your dealership, the way you
treat them and solve issues is as important as the issue-resolution.
3. Building an Online
better your online reputation, the better your customer loyalty index. Online
reviews can easily showcase your dealer reputation.
is important to get at least ten 4-star or 5-star reviews every fortnight.
However, the way your dealership responds to a 1-star review rating can also
improve your reputation, in turn, improving customer loyalty as well.
4. Good Personal Connections
for Better Dealer Experience
personal touch to the conversation between your dealership and customers can go
a long way in creating loyal customers. Train your employees to communicate
with your customers in a warm and professional manner.
5. Exclusive Deals, Offers,
& Discounts
likes to be treated as special, and exclusive offers and discounts can go a long way in delighting your
exclusive offers, discounts, and privileges that you provide customers may
Customers who are treated exclusively are more likely to return to your dealership.
Bonus: Dealership Values
Impact Customer Loyalty
values and goals that positively impact the local community can help build
strong customer relationships. The next time your local community organizes an
event, try to be a quite visible part of it.
For more information on the impact of dealership experience on customer loyalty, Contact Us.